Looking ahead to eMetrics 2011
by Anvil on March 8, 2011EmarketingNext week I have the privilege of heading to San Francisco to attend my first eMetrics Marketing Optimization Summit. As a digital agency, knowing how to accurately measure, optimize and report back to our clients is fully integrated into each of our services. You can be the best PPC/SEO/Social Media marketer out there, but if you can’t a) identify whats not working b) report on your success and finally c) leverage your success across multiple campaigns, then clients won’t be so impressed. With that said, here are some sessions that I’m most looking forward to and what I’m hoping to get out of them.
Using Behavioral Intent to Drive Consumer Experiences
Oftentimes the missing piece of search and keywords is users intent. Some search queries lend themselves to a understanding users intent better than others. By observing the competitive landscape, visitor on-site behavior and conversion data we can begin to extrapolate patterns between keywords and intent and then adjust our site to better fulfill the intent of our visitors. I’m hoping this session covers the things to look for and ways to track and make accurate decisions throughout this process.
Mobile Measurement Strategy & Best Practices in Optimizing for the Mobile Web
EVERYONE is talking about mobile right now. Its huge. And on day 2 at eMetrics there is a mobile track that I’m sure will be full all day long. Analytics vendors have already created native tracking options and Google’s AdWords click to call ad data and call tracking reporting has continued to improve, but whats next? With the growing rate of mobile usage, marketers need to be on their toes to optimize mobile ad campaigns and a users overall mobile experience.
Search Analytics in a B2B World
Oh B2B Tracking…you are such a longer and more complicated process than others. With most e-commerce sites, people come to your site and decide whether or not to buy. They may come back and buy again, but the customer life cycle is so much shorter. B2B sales cycles can last months if not years and with multiple touch points, online and off, tracking a visitor from their initial visit or lead to final sale is complicated and usually takes several measurement tools. Hearing from several large B2B companies on how they tackle this internally should be a great opportunity.
Oh, and of course the eMetrics Lobby Bar Party!
Stay tuned next week for an eMetrics follow-up!