Dear Facebook: It’s not Me, it’s You
by Anvil on July 9, 2010Social Media MarketingBack, oh maybe a couple months ago now, Facebook rolled out some pretty impressive updates. One that we were most excited about was adding a shiny new “Like Box” to our own website. The idea was that users logged into Facebook could “Like” a website, and this data would be visible through Facebook insights. This would add a level of social media interaction to websites, and a new way to cross-promote social domains on websites. Pretty cool, right?
Well, almost. The screenshot below shows the information that Facebook Insights for domains is currently gathering. Not a lot going on. As of June 2nd, a Facebook developer reported,
“We are actively working to fix this and should have things working within the next few days.”
So if you’re also wondering why you can’t see any Insights for your domain, remember: you’re not alone! We’ll keep an eye on the issue here and hopefully see it fixed soon. Otherwise, here’s the link to the main bug ticket over at Facebook. (You may have to refresh the page a few times for it to show up–the website has been down lately… Perfect.)