New AdWords Ad Text Formats – Domain in Display URL Included in Headline
by Anvil on May 19, 2011Paid AdvertisingWe all know that Google tests the format of AdWords text ads. The new format that launched this week includes the domain of the display URL within the headline. The below screenshot shows how the display URL domain is shown in the ad headline, courtesy of Google.
Google has announced that the domain display URL will not be shown in the headline if your domain name is included in the headline, so Google’s example seems to be incorrect and is contradicting. Also there is a possibility your headline, domain display URL and description line can be displayed in the headline if the final headline (headline + domain display URL + description line 1) is less than 68 characters.
What will be your strategy moving forward? Are you going to test removing your domain name in your headline to allow the domain display URL to show in the headline? Unfortunately, there are not any current reports to see how the different formats affect your CTR or conversion rate but this would be something to look out for in the future.
What do you think of this new format? Have you seen your headline include the domain display URL?