Tool Review: BackType Comment Share Tool
by Anvil on August 28, 2008Tool ReviewBackType says it’s a service that lets you find, follow and share comments from across the web. Techcrunch did a recent review where they said it’s “10x more valuable than Summize/Twitter search in that it actually taps the discussion outside of the echo-chamber.” I think they said it best when they crafted the headline, “…A Twitter for Comments.”
With regards to the Twitter comment, yes you can follow people’s comments and get RSS feeds on them. I looked up some heavy hitters in the SEM space and saw that Danny Sullivan hadn’t claimed his account, Andy Beal has a pretty active account but hasn’t claimed it either, and not much from our friend up North – Rand. What’s the deal SEO’ers! You can get an RSS feed of the most active, which is pretty cool just to see the varied topics that people comment on.
BackType also allows you to search comments outside of who said them. I did a couple of client searches and found some interesting tid bits that I might not find in my Yahoo Pipes searches.