Stop Facebook-Stalking Your Ex: A Timely Valentine’s Day Campaign
by Anvil on February 11,, a relationship site that boasts “smart talk about love”, is campaigning in this pre-Valentines season for those who are still social-media’d to their ex’s to finally cut the cord. Stop Facebook/Twitter/Foursquare/Yelp/LinkedIn-stalking your ex!
Via Mashable, we read that YourTango is dubbing February 13th “Break Up With Your Ex Day”, and is providing guidance and tools to help those who just can’t break up with their ex(‘s) on social media. Not only a timely tie in between their website and social media to get some great coverage for YourTango, but also a very valid proposition.
We’ll pose the same question that Mashable did – is it necessary to disconnect from your ex on social media? Tell us what you think – and if you have any stories about how psycho-stalker you’ve actually gotten, even better. For example if you’re guilty of scouring Facebook at 3am, obsessing over the pages of every girl with a relationship status of “single” who has commented, liked or friended your ex since your break-up, comparing your physical attributes, fashion, wittiness of comment, and friend count to each and every one of them (um, not that we’d ever do anything like that because we’re, like, totally secure in our current relationship).
So, Happy Cord Cutting & Happy Valentines day!