A Shockingly Easy Way To Boost Your Branded PPC Performance
by Anvil on August 11, 2010Pay-Per-Click (PPC)I’ve reviewed, revised and relaunched a lot of PPC campaigns. Time and time again, one of the changes that I implement – and which is SO simple – proves to be one of the most effective. Making this change has on more than one occasion driven 100% + increases in click through rates (CTR) on PPC ads, driving more clicks and a similar increase in conversion volume. In addition, the resulting increase in CTR can help improve quality scores and actually drive down your cost per click (CPC). This change does not require you to overhaul your ad copy, add new keywords to your campaigns or revise your landing pages.
What could be so shocking, so simple? I’m sure the suspense is killing you.
All in good time.
First, a little highly relevant background.
According to Wikipedia, “The registered trademark symbol, designated by ® (a circled R also known as a Racol derived from Registered & Authorised Company Logo), is a symbol used to provide notice that the preceding mark is a trademark or service mark that has been registered with a national trademark office.”
That’s a fun little factoid, eh?
I bet consumers find that little symbol comforting – I mean, since it’s been registered with a national trademark office and all, it must convey some manner of authority, validity, trustworthiness even.
See where I’m going with this? No? I’ll cut to the chase.
As a brand, or trademark owner, one of most valuable assets you possess is your ownership of that brand or trademark. You are the original, the real, numero uno, the inimitable. When you are in this position, you need to make sure people looking for you online can easily identify YOU as the real deal. In a world of competitors, imitators, re-sellers and outright frauds, this simple little symbol can be the differentiator.
By simply adding the registered trademark symbol to your PPC ad copy (which will consume all of 1 character of your text character limit) – in the headline next to your trademarked term, for example – you can immediately up your authority in search. See huge increases in your CTR’s and enjoy all of the success that follows.
Now, it took you longer to read this post than it will to implement a test of this change in your PPC campaigns. Get to it!