Another Round of Facebook Privacy Updates Coming?
by Anvil on May 24, 2010Social Media MarketingToday, the Washington Post published an op-ed piece written by Mark Zuckerberg discussing the recent Facebook privacy issues. The main takeaway is that Facebook is allegedly working on a way for users to more easily control the information shared. Zuckerberg explains:
We have heard the feedback. There needs to be a simpler way to control your information. In the coming weeks, we will add privacy controls that are much simpler to use. We will also give you an easy way to turn off all third-party services. We are working hard to make these changes available as soon as possible. We hope you’ll be pleased with the result of our work and, as always, we’ll be eager to get your feedback.
Facebook has taken quite a bit of heat this month, and seems to be scrambling to ensure that it doesn’t alienate too many of its users. While it’s hard to say how the future changes to Facebook privacy setting may affect Social Media Marketing efforts both on and off Facebook, it is helpful to know that users’ concerns will be incorporated into upcoming versions of the platform.
Happy Facebook users are active Facebook users, and while some have abandoned their accounts recently there are still plenty of opportunities for companies and marketers to engage potential customers. In the meantime, Facebook’s privacy concerns are definitely worth keeping close tabs on.