8 Twitter Tools We Are Loving
by Anvil on November 30, 2008Social Media Marketing OptimizationDon’t you wish Twitter had more functionality built in and that you didn’t have to use 8 additional tools to basically do what Twitter should in the first place? I do and so does the team at Anvil. Here are a few tools we are loving at this very moment.
- TweetLater: Claims that 8,340 other people are loving this tool too. Do you have an important Tweet to get out but have a conflict that same time? Don’t worry, let TweetLater schedule the Tweet for you. This tool also will make Miss Manners proud by including a feature that will automatically send thank you notes to new followers and follow new followers. And another thing we love about this tool is that you can use it to track keywords which is great for tracking your online reputation. EasyTweets is another similar tool we love and Twuffer. We can’t decide which one we like best…
- Twellow: As you can guess from the name, this is the yellow pages for Twitter. You can search for people by name or by location and you can search by category that Twellow has put people in. Useful for finding people for sure.
- TweetScan: A more robust search feature than Twitter’s and you can even set up an RSS feed for keywords you’d like to track.
- TwitterFeed: Feeds your blog posts to Twitter. Honestly, I’m still testing this and not sure I LOVE it right yet. More later.
- TweetBeep: Like Google Alerts for Twitter – get Twitter alerts by email. Just put in a keyword and get emails when others tweet eat. Easy Peasy. (But I like TweetScan better because of the RSS functionality since I hate getting Google Alerts via email!That’s so 2007)
- TwitPic: Share photos on Twitter through your phone, their API, or TwitPic.com.
- Twhirl: Desktop client for social sites beyond just Twitter, so pretty darn cool.
- OutTwit: Competitor to Twhirl but works in your Outlook. This is my favorite Twitter tool of the week. I’d rather have a tool within my Outlook than another desktop app I have to manage separately like Twhirl. Sorry my sweet Twhirl, I might come back…