Dr. Martens faces challenging competition in paid search from online retailers such as Amazon and Zappos, who are also selling their product. While it’s still positive that a consumer purchases their product from a retailer, it’s even better if a consumer buys it straight from Dr. Martens.
Anvil took over paid search in November of 2012, and started to capitalize on the cheapest branded paid search terms that generate a large amount of conversions. By shifting from the previous model of CPA bidding to manually lowering bids on an incremental level, Anvil was able to significantly lower cost per click while at the same time significantly increase transactions. Anvil decided to go after these terms as aggressive as possible to take away possible sales from retailers such as Zappos, and to ultimately increase the bottom line of Dr. Martens. This strategy enabled cost per click to drop by 46%, while increasing transactions by 130%. Traffic also saw an increase of 259%, despite spend only increasing by 92%.
- Feb 2013 vs. Feb 2012 CPC: 46% Lower
- Feb 2013 vs. Feb 2012 Transactions: 130% Higher