Mobile Internet Users Nearly As Large as TV Viewers
by Anvil on February 2, 2011StudiesTelevisions have been commercially available since the late 1920s, while mobile phones with internet connectivity have only been available for about a decade, and yet mobile internet penetration is quickly approaching the number of U.S. households with TVs:
With smartphone market share expected to pass 50% by the end of this year, clearly the mobile space can’t be ignored any longer. A couple of other interesting demographic facts online advertisers should remember as they enter this space:
- Texting is HUGE among teenagers (more than double of any other age group). Facebook clearly understands this trend as is modifying their messaging system as a result.
- Hispanics, Asians are Most-Likely Smartphone Owners in U.S. If you cater specifically to these groups keep these stats in mind.
- Low-income groups in the U.S. are adopting mobile internet devices faster than their high income counterparts.
As you think about monitoring your reputation online, don’t forget how you appear on mobile devices, especially if you target specific demographic groups with your product or service.