Google’s Prime Real Estate
by Anvil on August 29, 2012Search Engine OptimizationIf you go to (like countless people do every day) you may notice something a little different than what you are used to seeing – an animated ad. This week Google decided to interrupt their typical white space by placing an animated ad for the Nexus 7 right under the search bar. As time has passed Google has expanded on their ad placement as they’ve found new opportunities (such as Google Map bubble ads), but they’ve yet to place anything of great significance onto their sacred search page.
The buzz across the web about this move by Google seems pretty divided. Some see it as Google stretching their wings and seizing a great opportunity. While others see it as Google letting their ego get the best of them. In a post on Mashable, Chris Taylor even points out how this could be seen as a monopoly situation since Google is after all promoting their own product. While I can see both sides of the argument I have to lean towards Google’s side. After all if you had a billboard that had mass amounts of traffic driving by it every day you’d be dumb not to use it right? Especially if you can manage to keep it tasteful.