Anvil Media, Inc. Adds Viral Marketing To Service Offering
Expertise in viral marketing spawns new business for SEM firm
PORTLAND , Ore. (October 4th, 2005) – Anvil Media, Inc., a search engine marketing services (SEM) firm specializing in viral marketing, announced two significant client wins. Through a strategic partnership with ZAAZ, a Seattle-based interactive agency, Anvil is providing viral marketing services to help boost brand awareness and preference for nationally recognized brands in the tea and footwear industries.
Also known as “grassroots”, “guerilla” or “buzz” marketing, viral marketing is a relatively new method of connecting companies with their constituents via outreach in online communities. Initially gaining popularity during the dot com boom, viral marketing requires a unique mix of technical, communications and e-marketing skills and involves regular interaction in blogs, newsgroups, discussion lists, chat and other online forums.
“ZAAZ has been very pleased with Anvil’s viral marketing work thus far,” stated Beth Nouguier, relationship manager at ZAAZ. “Our clients have been able to connect with customers at a whole new level through viral marketing and expect to see a further boost in awareness, traffic and sales.”
Anvil’s viral marketing services include benchmarking research, strategic campaign planning and tactical implementation. While many viral marketing campaigns are project-oriented with a specific start and stop date, more and more clients are asking for ongoing viral brand-building programs.
“We’ve had the opportunity to hone our viral marketing skills for eight years, and are now able to create, manage and measure successful campaigns for our clients,” stated Kent Lewis, President of Anvil Media, Inc. “The key to a successful viral marketing campaign is creativity, authenticity and resonance.”
Lewis has participated in viral marketing panels and recently wrote an article on the subject,Viral Marketing: Miracle Cure or Common Cold? At previous agencies, Lewis developed and implemented viral marketing campaigns for clients like Hasbro, Recording Industry Association of America, W.R. Grace and Xerox.
On a related note, business has been booming for Anvil Media, Inc. as the demand for search engine marketing (SEM) services firms continues to expand and mature. New clients include: Abanco International, America Creates,,EthicsPoint, Exit Real World, INS, Kinetic Fitness Systems, LazerBrite, Microsoft,PuddleDancer Press, Roanoke College and Ziba Design.
About Anvil Media
Headquartered in Portland, Oregon, Anvil Media, Inc. is a search engine marketing (SEM) services firm specializing in search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) management and viral marketing services. Anvil helps clients, ranging from startups to Fortune 500s, generate a return-on-investment (ROI) on their e-marketing programs, whether it be generating awareness, qualified leads or sales. Clients include Brand Oregon, Hotel Lucia, InFocus, KnowledgePoints, Loaves & Fishes Centers, Mallory Hotel,Marqui, Oregon Health & Science University, Planar Systems and Schering Plough Corporation.