Tea Collection, a high-end children’s clothing company, partnered with Anvil Media to audit and overhaul their existing Google AdWords PPC campaigns and improve their site conversion rates. Using PPC to drive online sales, Tea Collection had yet to attain a sustainable rate of return on their PPC investment and turned to Anvil for SEM strategy and ongoing management services.
Anvil’s objective was to increase online sales for PPC campaigns though increased efficiency and on-site usability enhancements while demonstrating an improved and sustainable ROI.
Tea Collection, being a high-end retailer, is competing in a space with low-end and mid-range, as well as other high-end children’s clothing companies. Filtering the PPC audience to fit Tea Collection’s demographic would be challenging. In addition, the client’s website had some technical and design limitations that needed to be overcome in order to achieve optimal results.
Anvil’s strategy was to audit and overhaul the existing AdWords account to strategically target keyword themes that would hit searchers in Tea Collection’s target audience. In the account audit, Anvil discovered key issues that were hindering performance. By reorganizing the account, Anvil would be better equipped to manage Tea Collection’s budgets, as well as effectively target high-converting searches. In addition to addressing the content, structure and strategy of the PPC account, Anvil provided guidance for site-side revisions, focusing on landing pages, usability and optimization for conversion.
After implementation of Anvil’s strategy in the PPC campaign and in site revisions, Tea Collection saw an immediate jump in sales and conversion performance. The following results were generated from November 2007 – December 2008.
- 217% Increase in monthly visitors originating from PPC
- 1,500% Increase in PPC conversion rates
- 3,650% Increase in sales from PPC (while increasing ad spend by only 253%)
- 91% Decrease in cost-per-sale
- 1100% Increase in ROAS