Theme Documentation

This is the Phoogoo Wordpress theme development kit. This is not a framework, no child-themes, no bloatware. Developers can take this theme and modify it directly.

The goal of this kit is to provide common functionality required in most wordpress themes today in a lean and semantically clean format. Below is a quick outline of the functionality a developer can quickly tap into during theme construction.

This kit is also a constant work in progress and forking is encouraged.
( email for GIT repo access. )


There are a few preliminary steps before a developer should start modifying this theme.

  1. Change theme directory name, update screenshot, favicons & iOS badges
  2. Move _htaccess.txt to root and rename to .htaccess
  3. Edit & move _humans.txt to root and rename to humans.txt
  4. Move _robots.txt to root and rename to robots.txt (unless using a plugin such as Yoast SEO)
  5. Edit lib/less/theme.less: change the variable @theme from demo to theme (or whatever dir that houses your theme specific LESS CSS)
  6. Review $phoo_config in functions.php
  7. Delete lib/less/theme.less.cache if it exists before developement


This theme utilizes the CSS preprocessor LESS. To learn more about LESS, please review the documentation at

No client-side preprocessors are nessecary, all work is done by the theme via lessphp and cached on the server. There are a few aspects to lessphp that are unique (such as setting variables with php), documentation can be found at

Do NOT edit lib/css/theme.css instead edit lib/less/theme.less & lib/less/inc/{theme}/* where {theme} is your theme's less directory (it's "theme" by default).

Poke around lib/less/inc/demo/* to see how the demo theme is styled.

Mobile First

The stylesheets are organized in a mobile-first arrangement. Meaning that media queries are called from bottom-up and that styles are inherited from each set before it. This is so that mobile devices don't download assets they won't end up using, as they do with the traditional top-down approach.

For easy organization you'll find in lib/less/inc/{theme}/responsive/ 4 files; phone.less, tablet.less, desktop.less & print.less.


File organization and naming conventions are a work in progress. As they stand now, you'll find every type of asset organized in it's respective directory in lib/.

There is an automated variable that you can use in your LESS that references the path to your theme's root. An example of use:

.class { 
background-image: url(@{url}/lib/img/picture.jpg) 


  • lib/less/ houses the core theme.less file.
    all .less includes should be called from the theme.less file.

    lib/less/inc/ houses various LESS includes.
    lib/less/inc/core/* should not be edited unless you plan on committing a change to the kit's GIT repository.
    lib/less/inc/vendor/* houses any vendor-specific css (such as styles that accompany 3rd-party scripts).
    lib/less/inc/demo/* houses the styles for the default demo theme.
    lib/less/inc/theme/* houses the barebone styles for your custom theme.
    lib/less/inc/theme/init.less should contain all your global LESS variables. Useful for making quick changes & adjustments.
    lib/less/inc/theme/layout.less should contain all your global structural styling.
    lib/less/inc/theme/type.less should contain all your typographic styling.
    lib/less/inc/theme/ui.less should contain all your user-interface styling including colors.


  • lib/css/ houses the core theme.css file that the lessphp preprocessor generates. This file should NOT be edited.


  • lib/fonts/ should house your custom webfonts and icon fonts. These fonts should be requested via @font-face in lib/less/inc/{theme}/type.less


  • lib/img/ contains the theme's favicon & iOS badges. This is were you'd place your theme's imagery.


  • lib/js/ houses your main.js which is your primary custom javascript file, & plugins.js which should contain all the 3rd-party javascript your theme calls for. lib/js/vendor/* houses any vendor-specific css (primarily a local copy of jQuery, and modernizer).


  • lib/php/ contains a few PHP classes for additional functionality
    lib/php/core/* should not be edited unless you plan on committing a change to the kit's GIT repository.
    lib/php/admin/theme-settings.php is where you can add site-wide options for the client (found in appearance -> site options in WP's admin menu).
    lib/php/meta/* houses a simple PHP class for adding custom meta boxes. Do NOT edit. Use the commented structure under Metaboxes in functions.php


  • lib/svg/ houses any SVG objects or filters.


  • lib/ie/ contains all IE only assets, including styles, scripts, images and polyfills.

Wrap up list

Aside from the usual items (making sure search engines aren't blocked, etc.) there are a few things specific to this theme that should be tended to before pushing live.

  1. Set inDevelopement in functions.php to false, and set the appropriate value for cacheBustVersion
  2. Remove /lib/less/inc/demo
  3. Remove any fonts & icon fonts not being used in /lib/fonts
  4. Trim lib/js/vendor/modernizr-.js so that we aren't checking the browser for every capability.
  5. Minify each 3rd-party javascript in lib/js/plugins.js. A helpful tool can be found at
  6. Optimize images in lib/img/. A helpful tool can be found at


This is a simple organizational convention that can make your life easier. Infact your looking at it right now, this is the structure the whole theme is built upon.

<div id="full-container">
<div class="shrinkwrap">



Other Notes

The shrinkwrap class inherits it's width & left and right padding from the @site-width & @site-outer-margins variables set in lib/less/inc/{theme}/init.less, however it's built to be flexable and will shrink as the window requires it to.


Using the .grid() LESS mixin we can quickly and semantically construct unique flexable grid layouts

.grid( @total_columns: 1, @column_span: 1, @gutter_override: @gutter-width );

.replace-grid( @old_total_columns: 1, @new_total_columns: 1, @column_span: 1, @gutter_override: @gutter-width );


Continuous + Responsive grid


<ul class="gallery">


/* mobile-first */.gallery li {

/* everything else */@media only screen and (min-width: 480px) {
.gallery li {
.replace-grid(2, 4);

Colspan + nested + responsive grid

Main Content

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Aside Content


<div class="main">
<p>Main Content</p>
<ul class="nested-grid">
<div class="aside">
<p>Aside Content</p>


/* mobile-first */.main,
.nested-grid li {

/* everything else */@media only screen and (min-width: 480px) {
.main {
.replace-grid(1, 3, 2);
.aside {
.replace-grid(1, 3);
.nested-grid li {
.replace-grid(1, 3);

Other Notes

The .grid() mixin uses ":last-of-type" css selectors, so make sure your grid is wrapped in a container.
Don't worry about IE, it's served a polyfill.


Using the .icon() mixin, we can easily add icons from iconfonts to our elements. Icon fonts are 100% customizable with CSS, and scale crystal clear to any pixel density.

.icon( @icon: attr('data-icon'), @icon-font: 'icons' );


Inline icon before element: Pure CSS


<span class="twitter">
Follow us on Twitter


.twitter {
&:before {
.icon('\F099', 'icons');

Inline icon after element: Data-attribute method


<span class="facebook" data-icon="&#xf082;">
Friend us on Facebook


.facebook {
&:after {

Linked Icon with text hidden

Like Us!


<a class="like" href="#liked">
<span>Like Us!</span>


.like {
&:after {
span {

Other Notes

It's best practice to round up all of your project's icons, export them individually as svg's, and create a custom icon-font over at

Here's a set of icons included for testing: Fontawesome Index
*** Don't include icons your project won't be using as it will increase load-time.

If you find you need to convert unicode characters between formats (html entities, css escapes, etc.) this is a very helpful tool


We can quickly bind a modal to any element by using the data-modal attribute.

<div data-modal="..."></div>


Image Modal


<img src="" data-modal="<img src='' />" />

Video Modal


<img src="" data-modal="<?php echo video(array('hash'=>'0Bmhjf0rKe8')); ?>" />

Gallery Modal


<img src="" data-modal="<img src='' />" data-gallery="1" />
<img src="" data-modal="<img src='' />" data-gallery="1" />

Other Notes

When using the gallery modal, the index of the clicked gallery item must be relative to it's other gallery neighbors. if you wrap the item in a parent container, the index will always be returned as one.

To avoid this, make sure you place the actual data-modal and data-gallery attributes on the parent. See the example below.

<li data-modal="<img src='' />" data-gallery="1">
<img src="" />


Built in, there's an extremely customizable breadcrumb generator. Just call the phoo_crumbs() PHP function.

<?php phoo_crumbs($title = '', $end = false, $separator = '»'); ?>


Custom seperator & prefix

Crumbs: Home / About Us / Our Mission


<div class="crumbs">
<?php phoo_crumbs('Crumbs:', true, '/'); ?>


.crumbs {
&, a, .seperator, .title {
color: blue;

No prefix & Omit current page title

Home » About Us


<div class="crumbs">
<?php phoo_crumbs(); ?>


.crumbs {
&, a {
color: blue;


We've got simple, stylable sharing links built in for google+, facebook, & twitter. Use the phoo_share() PHP function.

<?php phoo_share(); ?>


Plain text links


<div class="share">
<?php phoo_share(); ?>


.share {
ul {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
li {
display: inline;
margin: 0;
padding: 0 1em 0 0;

Icon links + hidden text


<div class="share">
<?php phoo_share(); ?>


.share {
/*duplicate css from above*/
.fb a:before {
.ggl a:before {
.twtr a:before {
span {

Form Elements

Simple pre-styled form elements that can easily and quickly be skinned into any project.


My Link


<a class="button" href="#button">My Link</a>
<button>My Button</button>
<input type="submit" value="My Submit" />

Other Notes

.button, button, & input['type=submit'] all have the .btn() mixin applied by default in /lib/less/inc/{theme}/ui.less.


Text Inputs with Placeholders + invalid entries


<label class="half">Text</label>
<label class="half">Email</label>
<input class="half" type="text" placeholder="placeholder text..." />
<input class="half" type="email" placeholder="" />
<label class="half">Tel</label>
<label class="half">Password</label>
<input class="half" type="tel" pattern="[0-9]{3} [0-9]{3} [0-9]{4}" placeholder="--- --- ----" />
<input class="half" type="password" placeholder="enter your password" />
<input type="date" placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy" />
<input type="time" placeholder="--:--:--" />
<textarea placeholder="this is required..." required></textarea>

Other Notes

All input types & textarea (excluding submit, checkbox, & radio) have the .input() mixin applied by default in /lib/less/inc/{theme}/ui.less.


Checkboxes & Radios


<input type="checkbox" id="demo_checkbox" />
<label for="demo_checkbox">Custom Checkbox</label>

<input type="radio" name="demo_radio" id="demo_radio_01" />
<label for="demo_radio_01">Custom Radio 01</label>

<input type="radio" name="demo_radio" id="demo_radio_02" />
<label for="demo_radio_02">Custom Radio 02</label>

Other Notes

Checkboxes & Radios both have the .toggle-input() mixin applied by default in /lib/less/inc/{theme}/ui.less.


Custom Checkboxes & Radios


input[type=checkbox] + label,
input[type=radio] + label {
display: block;
&:before {
border: none;
background-color: transparent;
font-family: icons;
input[type=checkbox] {
+ label:before {
content: '\F09C';
&:checked + label:before {
content: '\F023';
input[type=radio] {
+ label:before {
content: '\F026';
&:checked + label:before {
content: '\F028';

Other Notes

Checkboxes & Radios both have the .toggle-input() mixin applied by default in /lib/less/inc/{theme}/ui.less.


Quick and easy thumbnail fetch with PHP using the get_thumb() function.

<?php get_thumb($size = 'thumbnail', $fallback_image_ID = null, $echo = true); ?>


Grabbing an existing 150x150 thumbnail from featured image

pretty kitty


<div class="thumb">
<?php get_thumb(); ?>

No Feature Image exists, fall back to default + Medium size

pretty kitty


<div class="thumb">
<?php get_thumb('medium', 12); ?>

No Feature Image exists, no fallback specified.


<div class="thumb">
<?php get_thumb(); ?>

Other Notes

When no feature image exists & no fallback is specified, the image from /lib/img/default.jpg is fetched.
Change it if you feel let down.


Fetching a gallery from a post's media using phoo_gallery() function.

<?php phoo_gallery($postID = $post->ID, $size = 'thumbnail'); ?>


Display gallery if post has media.


<?php phoo_gallery(); ?>


.gallery-grid {
li {
a {
&:after {
img  {

Other Notes

Responsive out of the box. No styling required. phoo_gallery() will not render anything if the post has no media attached; it will also ignore the featured image.


Quickly fetch and customize a post's excerpt with the phoo_excerpt() PHP function.

<?php phoo_excerpt($length = 20, $text = null, $letters = false, $echo = true); ?>


Default usage. Cuts length at 20 words.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut...


<?php phoo_excerpt(); ?>...

Cut length at 20 characters.

Lorem ipsum dolor si...


<?php phoo_excerpt(20, null, true); ?>...

Excerpt'ify from another source + cut length at 10 characters.

A Really L...


<?php phoo_excerpt(10, get_the_title(), true); ?>...


A Quick reference of the other available mixins.


Defines placeholder color for inputs.



Forces an image to greyscale. Cross-browser support with IE filters, SVG filters, & CSS3.


Remove Greyscale

Resets all filters to remove greyscale from image.


Prevent Highlight

Prevents element from being highlighted. Good for UI elements.


Image Replacement

Wipes element of text to be replaced by an image in a SEO friendly way. Inspired by zeldman:


Completely Hidden

Hide from both screenreaders and browsers:


Visually Hidden

Hide only visually, but have it available for screenreaders:



Contain floats:


Other Mixins

This theme also includes all mixins from elements.less

WP Helpers

A Quick reference of the custom wordpress helpers.

Is Post Type

Matches current post against postType. Better to use is_singular( $post-type ) if you're able.

<?php is_post_type($type, $postID = $post->ID); ?>

Is Blog

Returns true if current post is blog-related. Use is_home() to check if it's the blogroll page.

<?php is_blog(); ?>

Is Descendant

Returns true if current page is descendant of specified page. $parent parameter can be slug or ID.

<?php is_descendant($parent); ?>

Quick Meta

Echo meta, get meta, & check if meta exists.


Get Posts Page URL/Title

Gets page URL or Title that's responsible for housing posts when manually set. $data parameter can be 'url' or 'title'.

<?php echo get_posts_page($data); ?>

Youtube/Vimeo fetch

Can get video or image assets from youtube or vimeo from url or video hash. $array parameter has the following options:

'hash' => video url or hash
'type' => only required if hash was given instead of url. options: 'youtube', 'vimeo'. Defaults to 'youtube'
'action' => options 'get_thumb', 'get_image', 'get_hash', 'get_type', 'get_video'. Defaults to 'get_video'
'width' => integer: video width in px
'height' => integer: video height in px

<?php echo video($array); ?>