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Long-tail Keyword Research: Hidden Gems

You’ve hit the wall with keyword research. You’ve used the new Ubersuggest even though you don’t like it, you’ve scraped Google’s Keyword Explorer, you’ve cross-referenced everything on MOZ to make sure your keywords are viable organically. You implemented the best keywords months ago and the traffic never came. What did you do wrong? Nothing, that is thorough keyword research!

However, you may have missed a couple hidden keyword gems in there. Now that you are familiar with the process of keyword research, let’s take a little deeper dive into keyword research and find some of those hidden keyword gems!

Long-tail Keyword Research

Now that you have data coming to your site that you can analyze, you can start your research from a slightly different angle:

Long-tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords aren’t always the keywords that are going to bring in droves of traffic, but they are going to be your consistent base of traffic. Not only that, but long-tail keywords encompass other keywords that can prove extremely valuable. Not only that, but your long-tail keywords are also a great way to analyze where a searcher is in your conversion funnel.

Creating Keywords From Long-tail Keywords

Now that you have a solid base of new long-tail keywords, you can cull this list a bit further:

Utilize New Keywords

At this point, if your site is smaller, you can use the top 15-20 keywords and optimize pages on your site with these while using the rest of the keywords on the list as ideas for future pages, blog posts, or backup options if you find that your initial list isn’t jam-packed with hidden keyword gems.

Another great way to surface some gems of keywords is through looking at seasonality and getting out ahead of a holiday, event, or season by optimizing specific pages for what lies ahead. This should be done at least 3 weeks in advance if you know your site is getting crawled frequently, but you might want to think about getting those pages optimized even 3 months in advance if your site is small, doesn’t get a ton of traffic, or you feel really motivated.

For more help with keyword research, contact Anvil Media today.

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