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ECommerce: Frequently Asked Questions

There is no denying the growth of eCommerce over the past decade. Shopping online for groceries, furniture, clothes, and even automobiles has become the norm. Brands like Amazon are poised to drive the future of eCommerce, delivering anything you could ever need right to your front door. All the hype around eCommerce may leave you curious about the nature of the online market place and how your business can be a part of this revolution in commerce. In this weeks blog Anvil Media will answer a few of the major questions around eCommerce.

What is eCommerce marketing?

ECommerce marketing is the practice of using marketing tactics to drive customers to visit your online store, guiding those customers to convert and make a purchase, and retaining the customer after the purchase as a source of repeat business and brand advocacy.

ECommerce marketing involves many aspects of traditional online marketing including search engine optimization, paid advertising, social media marketing, email marketing campaigns, and more.

How to build an eCommerce website?

There are several factors to consider when building an eCommerce site:

While these steps are key to creating a successful eCommerce business, do not forget there are several other steps along the way to ensure you are operating a successful, ethical, and legal business.

Which CMS is the best eCommerce platform?

Finding the right eCommerce platform for your business depends on a number of factors including price, size of your business, and need for customization. In 2019 the top eCommerce CMS platforms were:


Why is eCommerce growing?

ECommerce has seen dramatic growth in the past decade and promises to continue on an upward trend as we begin a new decade. There are a number of factors that contributed to the rise of eCommerce, but three of the top include:


Anvil Media is always working hard to keep our clients at the forefront of digital marketing innovation; See examples of our work for yourself. Our team can help your eCommerce business grow and thrive in the digital market place. If you are looking for assistance in creating an eCommerce site or improving an existing site, contact the team at Anvil Media today!

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