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12 Career Tips for Growth-Minded Individuals

I was recently asked to speak in front of a business class at Lakeridge High School outside Portland about building a career in digital marketing. I’ve given this presentation many times over the years, but have traditionally focused on the “digital” and “marketing” aspects of building a career, instead of providing life advice I think can make a much greater impact. This is especially true for young adults unsure of their career, and I can’t expect everyone wants to be in the world of digital marketing. As such, I decided to put together a list of 12 Career Tips for the high-schoolers, even though I believe they apply to any growth-minded individuals. Without further adieu…

  1. “Learn” how to learn today in school (be curious)
  2. Start networking and never stop (socialization is essential)
  3. You are not special (without 10,000 hours of practice)
  4. Don’t set limits (set goals)
  5. Find your Why (create a mission statement)
  6. Flaunt your Freak Factor (to achieve your goals)
  7. Build your online brand (and a socially-savvy resume)
  8. Ignore everyone else (social media + image crafting = disappointment)
  9. Listen, learn (then act)
  10. Fail fast and forward (success can be deadly)
  11. Master English and learn to communicate effectively (language is a powerful tool)
  12. Technology evolves (critical thinking doesn’t)

For more information on building a career, visit the pdxMindShare blog and the Business articles section of Anvil’s website. If, for some reason, you still feel the need to pursue a career in digital marketing, check out the following resources:

Happy hunting!

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